Saturday 12 July 2014

50 reasons why Shias are Kafir, 100% Geniune Reasons.

50 reasons why Shias are Kafir

First of all, thank you for the 50 reasons that explain why I shia is kafir. I found the same list at: and more or less the same at HCY website

I'm pasting them below with my own comments based on my research of each of these reasons what the Shia theological and juresprudencial view is.

I've also noticed that most of the reasons listed have nothing to do with concept of tauheed as such which is the premise of eman as a muslim.

Further, it seems that every word coming from any author is taken at face value and thought be be as good as the word of Allah. This is most definately not the case. As already discussed in a previous post, in Shia jurisprudence, the rule is simple:

Anything be it narration, hadith, story, view, idea or saying that conflicts with Quranic text be discarded because it is heresay or fabricated and hence not a part of shia belief. 

No book no matter how canonical it is thought to be, is liable to error and deviation. Human prejudice and the inherent urge to make an opponent look ridiculous cause such deviations. All, except the Quran that is. So with that in mind lets both examine your 50 reason of why I am kafir.

PS: The Quran I'm referring to is the one Quran you and I both regard as our holy book. It is complete and authentic as discussed in point 23.

1. "Bad'ah" ALLAH tells a lie. (Asool Kaafi, Vol. No.1, Page No. 148. A Shia doctrine.)

Refer to Shia jurisprudencial rule on any narration in any canonical book explained in my previous post. The rule is simple: If a narration is in conflict with the Quran, discard it as fabrication. This one ceratinly is in conflict. Therefore no one regards it as authentic, except people who want to create rifts by insisting to impose such believes on Shias when in reality not one of the shia subscribes to it.

2. All Imams are equal in rank and status to Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.s). (Asool Kaafi, Vol. No. 1, Page No. 270)

I have found a narration that the prophet pbuh said there will be 12 imams after him and that the awal will be Mohammad, on average will be mohammad and the akhir will be Mohammad. I believe he meant for us to know that all the imams in their knowledge of fiqa will be as good as Mohammad himself. Howver that said, it is ridiculous to say that imam is equal to a Prophet. Logically if they were equal, then they would all be Prophets. As for rank, common sense says rank of Prophet is higher than his successors .. its obvious. A grandfather is not the same as his grandson... its that simple and this si what any shia will tell you as well.

3. There are seventeen thousand Ayah in real Qur'an. (Al Shafi, Vol. No. 2, Page No. 616)

Refer to my commeny from your point 1 and 23. Let me also add that the Quran as we know it is complete because it says in the Quran that it is complete. Counter question: If the current Quran is thought to be incomplete with parts hidden away then would that not be like saying that religion has not yet been perfected unlike what Allah has promised. I would'nt dare to think like that.

4. Sahabah (R.H) became infidel by denying the divine right (Wilayat) of Hazrat Ali. First three caliph and other Sahabas became infidel by denying the divine right of (Wilayat) of Hazrat Ali. (Asool Kaafi, Page No. 420)

Counter question? Where does it say that one has to say sahaba are muslim in order not to be a kafir? Is believing in sahaba a part of acceptance of tauheed? If not then it is of no consequence.

5. All the people rejected Islam after the death of the Prophet except three. Miqdad, Abu Zar and Salman Farsi. (Quran Majeed by Maqbool Hussain Dehlevi, Page No. 134)

Refer to my comment in previous point 4. Also even if Miqdad, Abu zar and Salman were put in the kafir category if would be of no consequence as far as belief in tauheed and believe in prophethood is concerned.

6. "Difference between ALLAH and Ali". (Jila-ul-Ayoun, Vol. No. 2, Page No. 66)

Ofcourse there is a difference. They are as different as chalk n cheese. There is no comparison. How does this make us kafirs?

7. We are the eyes of the God in his creature and the final authority in all human beings. (Asool Kaafi, Vol. No. 1, Page No. 145)

Depends on the context this was said. I would still refer to my comment in point 1 for judging the narrations.

8. No one possess complete knowledge of Holy Qur'an except Imams. (Asool Kaafi, Vol. No. 1, Page No. 228)

Well ofcourse this is logical and can be proven easily, though again this belief does not have any bearing on belief in oneness of Allah and I dont see how it makes shias Kafir. Propagation of Islam as we know it happened in a mere 23 years. Out of this we have 8 years of wars. This 23 also includes the 13 years Rasool Allah was oustracised and limited to Shaib Abi Talib. So in all logic and reason 2-3 or lets be generous even 5 years of propagation of the real meaning behind each ayat of the quran is very little. Please keep in mind that most of the early converts were not men of wisdom and piety as we know but could be anyone from the poor and destitude, the illiterate, ex-slaves, ex drunks ex everything to the rich to anything that you can think of. Clearly not everyone was at the same intellectual level. Do you in all your the reason and logic think it is possible for all these people, though early converts and icons of Islam to be able to understand the depths of knowlegde in the Quran, the word of Allah? Imams, we see span around 250 years after the demise of Rasool Allah. This is the time that we can say is reasonably good for crystallization of the revolutionary ideas that prophet Mohammad pbuh brought. Please bear in mind that Quran is meant as a guide. If it is not understood it defeats the entire purpose of its existance. Some people understand it better than others but who can say this person or that person has 'complete' knowledge. I mean how can this be verified? The only way is to see if someone can answere all queries to your satisfaction. So if we do say that Imams have knowledge of the Quran,it is because they were able to answer every question put to them to the satisfaction of their audience and further they could also answer questions of people from other religions according to their books. Another thing that we must not forget is that founder imams of the various sects of Islam were in normal audience of the Imams of the Ahlebait and would seek these learned imams advices in matters of Fiqa so we can also see that each imam of the Ahlebait was easily the most learned man of his time.

9. Hazrat Abu Bakr (r.a) could not recite Kalma at the time of his death. (Israr-e-Muhammad, Page No. 211)

Maybe he did and Maybe he did not .. I'll research n tell but even so does that make me kafir :)

10. When Our Qaim (12th Imam) gets up, Humira (Ayesha) will be raised from the dead so as to be whipped her due punishment, and so as to avenge the daughter of Muhammad (s.a.w.s), Fatima. (Al Shafi, Vol. No. 2, Page No. 108)

Who is saying this to whom? No context stated. Sounds more like its fabricated than true. its the first time I am hearing it myself.

11. Ali is God. (Jila-ul-Ayoun, Vol. No. 2, Page No. 66)

Good that you bought this up. The only peson who reportedly said this was Abdullah ibn Sabai and he was burnt alive on the orders of Imam Ali on the pretext that he was spreading heresay. Also look at shia concept of Tauheed in previous post. Ali is not in that picture.

12. The Hujjat (Ultimate proof) of God can not be established without Imam. (Asool Kaafi, Vol. No. 1, Page No. 177)

I do not know what hujjat is ... put this in pending. Will reseacrh and answer

13. "Changes in Qur'an for Drinker Khulafa-e-Rashideen". (Translation Of Quran Majeed by Maqbool Hussain Dehlevi, Page No. 479)

As I understand all converts to islam in their pre islamic days were indeed used to drinking and may have been great connossiers of wine or indeed drunk too. Its a fact of history and should be taken as such. . Things changed after islam and many a people indeed became men of great piety. So whats the issue here? How does that make me kafir?

14. Shaitan was the first to sworn the oath of allegiance from Abu Bakr in the mosque. (Israr-e-Muhammad, Page No. 30)

Again nothing to do with Tauheed but hey if shaitan can come to Adam in heaven and make him do something he wasnt meant to, then whats the big deal in shaitan coming to Abu bakr. Btw it does sound wierd that these icons of islam, great lovers of allah and mohammad decided to go voting at the exact same time instead of attending the prophet's funeral, surely a man they loved the most. Who else but shaitan could have provoked such a thing

15. "An accusation of poisoning to Prophet by Ayesha and Hafsa". (Jila-ul-Ayoun, Page No. 118)

Prophet Mohammad died a natural death as far as I know. Will research on this as well but in any case this does not effect our eman.

16. Imams are God. (Jila-ul-Ayoun, Vol. No. 2, Page No. 85)

Says who? Contradicts the Quran therefore has no place in shia theology or jurisprudence.

17. Imam knows his hour of death and his death is in his control. (Asool Kaafi, Vol. No. 1,Page No. 258)

Wish that was the case because who would want to die such brutal deaths. Imams were mostly murdered in very bizzare ways.

18. Pakistan is mentioned in the Original Holy Qur'an, present Qur'an is meaningless. (Hazaar Tumhari Das Hamari, Page No. 554)

Comment from point 1 applies here. Pakistan did'nt even exist back then.

19. It is infidelity (Kufr) to doubt about the infidelity (Kufr) of Hazrat Umar. (Jila-ul-Ayoun, Page No. 63)

Very interesting. Notice "Hazrat" in front of Umar. if he is indeed an infindel why is the writer still calling him Hazrat? refer to comment in point 1.

21. Abdullah Ibn-e-Saba maintained the indispensability of Imamat and claimed that Ali was the true lord. (Anwaar-e-Naumania, Vol. No. 2, Page No. 234)

No infact he said Ali was God. Hazrat Ali had him burnt to death on account of heresay.

22. According to Shia's nothing can remain hidden from the Imams, they have a complete knowledge of past, present and future. (Asool Kaafi, Vol. No. 1, Page No. 260)

Yeah in as long as what is mentioned in the Quran, they have great depths of knowledge andunderstanding and are likely to know its meanings with better understannding that anyone of us..

23. Qur'an was ascended in four parts whereas present Qur'an is consist of three parts. (Shia Aur Tehreef-e-Quran, page No. 62)
REfer to comment in point 1. Also in iran, there are museums dedicated to saving hand written qurans bythe imams with several copies made in Hazrat Ali's hand writing. These are preserved and open to public display. I ask, Ifthe quran was incomplete or parts missing why would it be that we see not one but several versions of hand written quran by the imams? If they were hand writing it why would they not include the missing portions? The answer is that there are no missing bits and everyone believes in Allahs promise that HE will preserve the Quran till the end of time, un altered in any way. Even if we believe that imams went wrong or caliphs went wrong can we say Allah went wrong and made a promise he could not keep? It's insanity!!

24. Those who deny the first of Hazrat Ali Caliphate are infidels. (Anwaar-e-Naumania, Vol. No. 3, Page No. 264)

Look I dont know why this author is saying so but I know that there are many many narrations which show that HAzrat Ali never considered anyone an infidel unless he openly claimed to be otherwise. So if the imam himself is happy with these people who are we to call anyone infidels. Some shias do this I know, but this is not based on shia theology. its their own personal act. Pretty much like muslims lie but that doesnt mean lying has any place in islamic theology.

25. Ayesha was an infidel women. (Hayat-ul-Quloob, Vol. No. 2, Page No. 726)
Same as above. Again none of this has any bearing on concept of tauheed.

26. We neither accept that God nor Prophet whose successor is Abu Bakr. (Anwaar-e-Naumania, Vol. No. 2, Page No. 278)

Okay, this is going too far. Refer to comment in point 1.

27. Imam posses more attribute than a Prophet posses. (Asool Kaafi, Vol. No. 1, Page No. 388)

Like what? In Shia theology, imam is a successor. Lets look at the Quran for help: Moosa had more attributes than Haroon (or Yusha) his successor. Therefore this negates the rule set in the Quran therefore discarded narration.

28. The present Qur'an is abridged where as the Original Qur'an is kept by Imam Mehdi. (Hazaar Tumhari Das Hamari, Page No. 553)

Nothing like this is found anywhere in shia theology or jurisprudence. Ther e is only 1 Quran which you and I have. Refer to commnt of point 23.

29. Abu Bakr and Umar were more tyrant than Shaitan. (Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Page No. 509)

Nothing to do with tauheed. Also this may be a personal view, not a theological take on these icons of Islam

30. Imam Mehdi will punish Ayesha with strips. (Hayat-ul-Quloob, Vol. No. 2, Page No. 901)

No such narration from Imam Mehdi found. Hayat ul Quloob is a book of stories. How much is fact I dont know.

31. "An acceptance of separate Kalma". (Asool-e-Shariat Fee Aqaid-ul-Shia't, Page No. 423)

This was probably a political requirement of that age. Although the kalima is fundamentally the same btw.

32. To hide secret and to weep on the operations of Imam is Jihad. (Asool Kaafi, Vol. No. 2, Page No. 226)

33. Shaikheen (r.a) refused to accept the Qur'an which was compiled by Hazrat Ali (r.a). (Fasal-ul-Khitab, Page No. 64)

If so then why do we see hand written qurans by hazrat ali to be the same as the rest of the ones found world over? Surely he could have continued with his own version of Quran seeing as he had his own followers as well.

34. Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat Umar among seven doors of the hell. (Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Page No. 500)

Authors personal view. We know these people were given basharat of heaven by none other than the prophet.

35. Ayesha and Hafsa were hypocrite and infidel women. (Hayat-ul-Quloob, Vol. No. 2, Page No. 900)

I dont know but surah tehreem in the quran does discuss these two ladies in not so happy a mood.

36. "An acceptance of alteration in the Kalma Tayyibah". (Shia Mazhab Haq Hai, Vol. No. 2, Page No. 57)

The kalima is not altered. Infact it is the same as sunnis. Addition of Ali in wali allah at the end is a political reaction. Shia people will continue to be shia even if they dont recite Ali in wali Allah as part of their kalima.

37. Fourteen Imams of Shia's (infallible), the masters of this Universe are desecration of all Prophets and Angels. (Jila-ul-Ayoun, Vol. 2, Page No. 29)

I wil debate this later. need more research.

38. Qur'an was eaten by God. (Min Kitab-ul-Burhan Fee Tafseer-ul-Quran, Page No. 38)

Does not say so in the Quran, therefore discarded.

39. Imam Mehdi will order, the digging out from grave, the dead bodies of Shaikheen, make them alive and will be punished. (Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Page No. 371)

Refer to post about messianism. Nothing of the sort was mentioned there. Possibly the talk of trouble makers.

40. "Ayesha was hypocrite". (Hayat-ul-Quloob, Page No. 867)

Can't say. We can only examine her in light of Surah Tehreem.

41. To ask for help from Ali is not a polytheism but a way of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s)". ( Hathi Kay Daant Khanay Kay Aur Dikhanay Kay Aur, Vol. No.2, Page No. 41)

Please just look at the title of this book! It sounds less of a Scholistic effort rather something written to exaggerate differences. I reserve my comments. However that said Hazrat Ali was a right hand man of Prophet Mohammad right from when he was 10 so if Prophet Mohammad sought his help it was absolutely natural. How does this relate to polytheism? I guess you are worrying about the term Ya Ali Madad used often by common shias. Does it have a basis in Shia theology? The answer is No. Shias pray for help only and only from Allah however they use Hazrat Ali as an intermediary.

42. Imam Mehdi will kill all the Sunni Scholars. (Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Page No.527)

Refer to post about messianism. Nothing of the sort was mentioned there. Possibly the talk of trouble makers.

43. The main compilers of Qur'an interpreted changed corrupted and perverted the Holy Qur'an. (Al-Ehtijaj, Page No. 257)

Refer to comment of point 23

44. Abu Bakr, Umar, Usman and Muawiyah are like idols, they are worst of all the creatures of God. (Haq-ul-Yaqeen, Page No. 519)

45. Ayesha was charged of committing open vulgarity. (Qur'an Majeed by Maqbool Hussain Dehlevi, Page No. 840)

46. Kalma Tayyibah without Ali Wali ULLAH is false. (Shia Mazhab Haq Hai, Page No. 2)

47. Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat Umar were the followers of Shaitan. (Quran Majeed by Maqbool Hussain Dehlevi, Page No. 674)

48. Ayesha was not an American or European lady. (Haqeeqat-e-Fiqah Hanfia Dar Jawab Haqeeqat-e-Fiqah Jaffria, Page No. 64)

43 to 48: These are personal commentaries by authors. Please do not confuse with Shia theology.

49. When God becomes happy, He talks in Persian, when He becomes annoyed, talks in Arabic. (Tareekh-ul-Islam, Page No. 163)

I like this ... I'd be happier if he speaks in urdu as I dont know persian or arabic!!

50. In Holy Qur'an (Fahsha) refers to Abu Bakr, (Munkir) refers to Umar, and (Baghi) refers to Usman. (Quran Majeed by Maqbool Hussain Dehlevi, Page No. 551)

I have not seen such a tafseer coming from any of the books written by the imams themselves therefore I will again ask you to refer to comment in point 1.

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